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About CATE

CATE is constantly evolving to meet the needs of those we help

2017 - Many like-minded people were conversing about the Opioid crisis and how it is affecting their lives and those of their loved ones. They swapped stories about how little support and resources they could find to help and how the stigma of substance abuse hampered their efforts. Then they said - LET'S DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!


A call was put out to the community - WHO WAS INTERESTED IN CREATING A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION TO COMBAT THE IMPACT OF THE OPIOID CRISIS? Overwhelming support and a first meeting -

Then the C.A.T.E. Foundation was born of a community effort. Each member of our Board of Directors has a personal story of the impact of substance abuse. Each one is committed to Conquering Addiction Through Education

UPDATE 2019: we have evolved to recognizing that there are many people suffering from all types of addictions. CATE is dedicated to helping whomever walks through our door -whether it be drugs, alcohol, gambling, food or other addictions.

UPDATE 2021/2022 : We at CATE recognized that our resources might be more valuable to the prevention of Mental Health Challenges instead of being reactionary. We have added free Mental Health Counseling along with our various resources.

UPDATE 2024: We at CATE are pleased to see that there are many more resources for mental health treatment than we saw in the beginning of our formation. We are still here to help in ways that are lacking in our community. We have transitioned to taking clients on a referral basis.

2017 -2025  The CATE Foundation PO Box 731 Mango, FL 33550 ~ ~ 813-773-7175 Phone ~

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